power line

power line

  • Teknologia orokorra
  • sin.electric line; line; scanning line; phone line; telephone line
  • es línea eléctrica; línea; tendido eléctrico
  • eu linea elektriko; linea
  • fr ligne; ligne électrique; ligne d'alimentation électrique; conduite électrique; ligne de balayage; ligne téléphonique; ligne de téléphone

Ez dago emaitzarik

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Overhead power line

An overhead power line is a structure used in electric power transmission and distribution to transmit electrical energy along large distances. It consists of one or more conductors (commonly multiples of three) suspended by towers or poles. Since the surrounding air provides good cooling, insulation along long passages and allows optical inspection, overhead power lines are generally the lowest-cost method of power transmission for large quantities of electric energy.

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